Westlake Chemical Corporation Headquarters

2801 Post Oak Blvd.

Houston, Texas 77056

Phone: + 1 713-960-9111



For media inquiries, email us at Media Relations.


To contact our Investor Relations team, email us at Investor Relations.

Westlake Chemical Companies:

NAPCO Pipe & Fittings

2801 Post Oak Blvd.

Houston, Texas 77056

Phone: +1 713-840-7473

Toll Free: +1 800-999-7473

URL: www.napcopipe.com

Suzhou Huasu Plastics

No. 8 Huasu East Road

Petrochemical District (Liujianggang)

of Taicang Port Develo

Taicang, 215433


Phone: + 86 51 2536 43145

URL: www.huasugroup.com

Vinnolit GmbH

Carl-Zeiss-Ring 25


85737 Ismaning

Phone: +49 89 96103-0

URL: www.vinnolit.com

Westlake Chemical (China) Corporation Taicang Rep. Office

Room 1201, Fazhan Building, No.309 Zhenghe Middle Road

Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China 215400

Phone: +86-13501745197

Email: mma@westlake.com